DTR2 contains multiplayer commands which can be typed in the chat room 
entry box. Note that some of these commands do not work unless everyone 
is chatting. 

These are: 

/gethost [password] 

If a dedicated server is set up with a password, you may obtain host 
status with this command. Note that password is case sensitive. 


Displays a list of players and their IDs. 

/givehost [id] 

Makes the specified player the host. This command can only be issued by 
the host. 

/setplayerlimit [limit] 

Prevents more than [limit] players from joining the server (can be 
1-10). This does not kick out existing players if there are already 
more than the limit. The limit is reset to 10 when the server empties 
of all players. This command can only be issued by the host. 


Resets the player limit to 10. This command can only be issued by the 


Displays the current player limit. 


Sets all currently connected player's points to zero. This command can 
only be issued by the host. 


Gives player [id] the number of points specified by [points]. This 
command can only increase the player's points, and you cannot assign 
points to yourself. This command can only be issued by the host. 

/setgridmode [gridmode] 

Specifies the way the cars are ordered on the starting grid. Grid modes 
are "random", "rank", and "reverserank" (don't include quotation marks). 
For example, "/setgridmode reverserank" will make players with the least 
points start at the front of the pack. The default is random. The grid 
mode is reset to random when the server empties of players. This command 
can only be issued by the host. 


Displays the current grid mode. 

/kick [id] 

Removes the specified player from the server. However, the player can 
connect again immediately. This has the same effect as clicking the 
kick button alongside the player in the chat room. This command can 
only be issued by the host. 

/kickban [id] 

Removes the specified player from the server and prevents that player 
from connecting to the server again until bans are cleared or the server 
empties of players. You can not kickban yourself. This command can 
only be issued by the host. 


Allows any banned players to connect to the server again. This command 
can only be issued by the host.